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Chaque fois qu’il grimpe les marches chez lui, Vincent De Haître songe aux Jeux olympiques qui auront lieu dans quatre mois à PyeongChang.

« J’ai un gros drapeau du Canada qui est accroché au mur de mes escaliers. Je le vois chaque fois », confie le vice-champion du monde en titre au 1000 mètres.

Le patineur de vitesse sur longue piste originaire de l’Est ontarien y va d’une autre confidence. Il a acheté dans les derniers mois quelques tableaux avec des mots afin de le motiver à se surpasser dans les prochaines semaines.


Vincent De Haître returned to his old stomping grounds at Bob MacQuarrie Recreation Complex - Orléans with a shrine of prizes collected from around the globe, the spoils of a standout 2016-17 speed skating campaign.

Yes, he was there to sign autographs for younger athletes, but Canada’s most decorated speed skater this season was also put to work, volunteering to help run the Mar. 25-26 Canada East Short Track Championships hosted by his Gloucester Concordes home club.

Help support my journey
​Every athlete needs support. If you are interested in helping me follow my journey as an Olympian, please contact me or click on Donate.  All levels of support is appreciated and I will acknowledge all support.

For the 2023/24 season, I will set aside 50% of my income through new sponsorships and donations to support young athletes.

If you wish to donate by cheque, please contact me.
© 2024, Vincent De Haître. Canadian Olympic Dualsport Athlete. Created by: Chabo Communications & Design
